Getting Started
- Get authorization and download Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Edgecore
- [Enterprise SONiC] Create users in SONiC
- [Enterprise SONiC] SONiC overview
- [Enterprise SONiC] Installation & Upgrade image
- [Enterprise SONiC] Username and Password
- [Enterprise SONiC] Reset default configuration
- [Enterprise SONiC] Config load
- [Enterprise SONiC] Management and front port IPv4/IPv6 Address
- [Enterprise SONiC] Backup/Restore configure
- [Enterprise SONiC] JSON format & /etc/sonic/config_db.json
- [Enterprise SONiC] Verify JSON format of /etc/sonic/config_db.json in SONiC
- [Enterprise SONiC] Warm Reboot & Fast Reboot
- [Enterprise SONiC] Reset Password if forget username and password