
Onie version to AS5916 and AS5912 newer than 2(or 4) years ago.


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    Douglas Fischer

    Reading more about ONIE newer releases I notice that there is a call for action from ONIE team to user earlier version of building environment.

    Then I checked on oficial build configs of ONIE, and all the ACCTON hardwares are defined to be built with Debian9.
    Except for accton_as5835_54, that already is defined to be built with Debian10.

    Considering that is already the actual standard of ONIO, do you (Edge-Core and Accton) consider upgrade these definitions to Debian10?

    P.S.: Considering that Debian11 is already on the plans to be used even 2022, changing from Debian9 to Debian10 seems to be an effective way to avoid excessive pain at once.

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