
[Enterprise SONiC] VRF(Virtual routing and forwarding) Follow



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    Johnny Wong

    In SONiC is it possible to bind a VRF to a VLAN/SVI?  Instead of a physical port?  

    I ask because would it be possible to bind mgmt-vrf to a management VLAN (ie 100) instead of binding it to a port for in-band management

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    shark_huang 黃昭穎

    Hello, Johnny

    It could bind the VRF to VLAN, and we also support the in-band management.
    Here's the way to bind the VRF to VLAN.

    sudo config vrf add Vrf1
    sudo config interface vrf bind Vlan10 Vrf1

    And here's the way to enable the in-band management.

    sudo config in-band-mgmt enable

    sudo config interface vrf bind Vlan10 mgmt

    If you want to know the details, you may submit the ticket to our system.
    Here's the link.

    Thank you

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